We are a strong, diverse, caring community of faith, with
a commitment to inclusion, outreach and social justice.

Past Events (Page 12)

Arsenic and Old Lace

Spotlight Players – “Arsenic and Old Lace”

Spotlight Players presents “Arsenic and Old Lace” by Joseph Kesselring. The story where we meet the charming and innocent ladies who populate their cellar with the remains of socially and religiously “acceptable” roomers; the antics of their nephew who thinks he is Teddy Roosevelt; and the activities of the other nephew—these require no further description…

Arsenic and Old Lace

Spotlight Players – “Arsenic and Old Lace”

Spotlight Players presents “Arsenic and Old Lace” by Joseph Kesselring. The story where we meet the charming and innocent ladies who populate their cellar with the remains of socially and religiously “acceptable” roomers; the antics of their nephew who thinks he is Teddy Roosevelt; and the activities of the other nephew—these require no further description…

Presbyterian Youth Triennium 2022

Triennium will take place July 24-July 27 in Indianapolis, Indiana. It is a gathering for High School age youth, youth leaders and young adults in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Cumberland Presbyterian Churches. The 2022 version of Presbyterian Youth Triennium will feature a Matthew 25 framework, activities that will extend a full year following Triennium…

Souper Bowl Sunday

On Sunday February 12th, we will be collecting canned soups for our Food Pantry–Souper Bowl Sunday! Please bring soup to worship, and outside Room 207.