Need one-time assistance with a utility bill, car repair bill, or some other problem? Know someone who does? Contact your deacon or call the church office.
Need one-time assistance with a utility bill, car repair bill, or some other problem? Know someone who does? Contact your deacon or call the church office.
Fellowship Hour Sponsors are needed! If you would like to be a sponsor on a particular Sunday (either after Pathways or Traditional Service)? Please sign-up on the chart downstairs in Fellowship Hall. For more information contact Glenn D’Antuono or the Church Office. Thank you for your consideration!
We have a good head start on supplies for our Christmas distribution, but we still need the following: shelf-stable milk, pancake syrup, pancake mix, rice, and cereal. We also need items for the personal hygiene bags we provide. Toiletries include soap, shampoo, lotion, toothpaste, toothbrushes, toilet paper, and small boxes of tissues. These items can be brought to church or left in…
Birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, bridal/baby showers, weddings, you name it, this is the perfect gift! Gift cards are also a great way to budget for your own everyday purchases like gas and groceries. They are available to purchase from a wide range of retailers. Contact Emily Meyers.
It’s time to order poinsettias to beautify the sanctuary and chapel in honor or memory of loved ones. The poinsettias not only promise to be as full and beautiful but fresh from the flower wholesaler we used for the last few years. The price of an 8″ pot with RED blooms remains $10.25. You can…
Your Generosity is Changing Lives at FPC! Our 2025 budget: $353,600 This is a narrative budget that shows you the impact of our spending; how your gifts will fulfill the ministry and mission of our church. Worship $139,700 Worship is that amazing time where we gather to sing our praises, give thanks, and experience God’s…
Presbyterian Women (PW) Bible Study groups will be starting in September! Pastor Karen Brostrom is helping us organize, and the LPC women have been active for years. If you’re interested in joining a daytime or evening group, please get in touch with Pastor Karen by emailing her at .
Kathy Crowell, a longtime church member and church librarian, was recognized by the Christian Education Commission for 40 years of dedication to the church library. Thank you, Kathy, for all you have done for First Presbyterian Church of Matawan!
Today our friends at Lincroft Presbyterian Church began worshipping with us During each service, they presented us with a beautiful banner made by one of their members to honor our two churches coming together. Thank you for the beautiful and thoughtful banner. It will be proudly displayed at our church.
Our mosaic is complete, and will soon be hanging in the narthex! We made this special mosaic throughout the Lenten/Easter 2024 season, between the congregations of Lincroft Presbyterian and First Pres Matawan! It is a sign and symbol of our becoming one community and merged church over the next several months! The mosaic represents the…