We are a strong, diverse, caring community of faith, with
a commitment to inclusion, outreach and social justice.
The Heart of Giving

2025 Stewardship Campaign

Your Generosity is Changing Lives at FPC! Our 2025 budget: $353,600 This is a narrative budget that shows you the impact of our spending; how your gifts will fulfill the ministry and mission of our church. Worship $139,700 Worship is that amazing time where we gather to sing our praises, give thanks, and experience God’s…

Presbyterian Women Logo

Presbyterian Women (PW) Bible Study

Presbyterian Women (PW) Bible Study groups will be starting in September! Pastor Karen Brostrom is helping us organize, and the LPC women have been active for years. If you’re interested in joining a daytime or evening group, please get in touch with Pastor Karen by emailing her at .

LPC and FPC Mosaic Complete!

Our mosaic is complete, and will soon be hanging in the narthex! We made this special mosaic throughout the Lenten/Easter 2024 season, between the congregations of Lincroft Presbyterian and First Pres Matawan! It is a sign and symbol of our becoming one community and merged church over the next several months! The mosaic represents the…


2024 Scholarship Awards

Applications are now open for the 2024 Scholarship Awards. College Scholarships for church members or immediate family furthering their education; whether for careerundergraduate, post-graduate, technical or vocational school or any training. Applications must be filled out by the applicant and accompanied by answers to questions 7, 8, and 9. The deadline for submitting is June…

Vendors Wanted – Spring Craft Fair

Saturday, May 18th, 2024 9 am-2 pm, Rain or Shine Crafters will be able to begin set up at 7:00 am with all traffic routes clear by 8:45 am. Each space will be 10’x10’. Spaces will not have access to electricity. If you are including a tent, it must be secured to the ground with…

Easter Lilies

Order Your Easter Plants Today!

It’s time to order Spring Plants or Easter Lilies that will be displayed in the chancel on Easter Sunday, March 31st. Please complete the form below to Order. The order needs to be received no later than Sunday, February 11th. Make checks payable to the church, earmarked “Easter Plants.” We ask that you take your…

Home Communion

Home Communion visits are available every month for members unable to attend worship. Pastor Natalie, accompanied by an Elder or a Deacon, will visit any member who wishes to receive communion at home. If you or a family member would like a visit, please email Pastor Natalie, Kathy Martel, or the church office.

Christmas Poinsettia

Christmas Poinsettias

It’s time to order poinsettias to beautify the sanctuary and chapel in honor or memory of loved ones. The poinsettias not only promise to be as full and beautiful but fresh from the flower wholesaler we used for the last few years. The price of an 8″ pot with RED blooms remains $10.00. If you…