We are a strong, diverse, caring community of faith, with
a commitment to inclusion, outreach and social justice.


Evie and Kimathi

Children 0-3 are welcome to be in the Nursery (Room 101) during Pathways worship, Sunday school, and/or Traditional Worship. We have a Nursery Caregiver each Sunday from 8:45 am to 11:45 am.

Children’s Chapel

Children aged 3, 4, and Kindergarten sing, play, and learn about God and the Bible during the Church School hour from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. 

Grades 1 – 5

Children study the Bible and explore messages of God’s love, giving them a spiritual foundation through adulthood. Sundays 9-10 am.

Junior High and High School

Youth in 6th-12th grades build on the foundation of God’s word to learn about the importance of spiritual growth as they journey through life. Sundays 9-10 am.

**Youth Group for 6-12th grades is available on Sundays 5-7 pm, twice monthly.

Confirmation Class
Confirmation Class

This class for 9th – 10th graders is an 8-week course on the basics of Christian Faith and the Presbyterian Church, followed by visits to other churches, crafts, and mission work at our local food pantry!

Adult Education

We regularly have 6-8 week Bible studies on Wednesday nights called “Brown Bag Bible Study‘. They are held in the Fellowship Hall and on Zoom, where we share food, fellowship, and study.

Vacation Bible School

VBS 2024

Our most recent Vacation Bible School was Scuba! Diving Into Friendship With God! Classes are open to all children in our church, PNS, and the community. Classes are offered for children who have completed a “3’s preschool/daycare experience through 5th grade. A drama program is offered for 6-8th grade.

VBS 2024 is July 8-12th, 9am-12pm! The theme is “Scuba! Diving Into Friendship With God!” Stay tuned for more info!