Exceptional Music Program
Meet our Music Director, Dot Brittain!

Music is an integral part of our worship. From singing and bell choirs composed of adults and youth to Praise and Christian Rock bands to soloists, we are blessed with the joyful sound of music! Our Chancel choir rehearsals are on Thursday nights at 7:30pm, and Pathways rehearses at 6:30pm.
Choir also rehearses on Sundays before worship.
We welcome you to join us!
Singing Choirs

Singing for God is the earliest, most natural, and most fundamental form of worship. We believe that both children and adults grow in their faith through music. Our commitment to choral and vocal praise emphasizes our love of God through music.
Our singing choirs include The Joyful Noise for Church School ages 3-5 (practice in Sunday School); the Kids Choir for older kids and youth (practicing Sundays 10:00-10:20 am); and the Chancel Choir for high school students and adults (Thursdays at 7:30 pm).
Bell Choirs

Anyone can ring a bell! For those who don’t feel comfortable singing — as well as for those who do — bell choirs provide a joyful way to learn about music, form friendships, and provide musical leadership during services. You don’t have to read music, but you will find yourself doing so after a couple of rehearsals! We have choirs for all ages and abilities.
Our bell choirs meet on Thursdays– the Joy Ringers (grades K – 3rd grade) with Jeff Stein at 5:30 pm, Praise Ringers ( 4th grade-12th grade) with Mae at 5:30 pm, and Glory Bells (Adults) with Mae Divinagracia – at 6:15 p.m.
Praise Bands
Our Church currently has multiple praise bands, which take turns leading the Pathways service, and a Christian Rock band, which occasionally plays at the Traditional service. We are open to all who want to play and sing! We usually practice on Thursday nights at 6:30 pm.

Outreach Drama Choir
For children grades five (5) and up, this group performs short Christian plays during the 10:30 a.m. service.
Music Opportunities
Want to sing or play an instrument? We welcome you to join us!