Join us on Sunday, June 9th, at 9:30 a.m. for our community worship service at our outdoor worship area and Memorial Gardens, followed by games and a picnic. The service will be streamed on Facebook Live only!
Bring Your Lawn Chair
Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 4:5-12
Sermon: “Don’t Lose Heart” Rev Natalie Bell
Musical Leadership: Dott Brittain and The Pathways Band
Prelude: “Hosanna” Paul Baloche
Anthem: “It Is Well With My Soul” Traditional — Mickey Maguire, banjo
Offertory: “Come to the Banquet” Faye White — Mickey Maguire, mandolin
Postlude: “No Hiding Place Down Here” A.P. Carter
Music by permission: Onelicense #M-401389; CCLI #3071145