Join our traditional Lenten worship service on Sunday, March 25th at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary or via Facebook Live or Zoom. We’ll enjoy more traditional hymns, prayers, and the chancel choir.
The Lenten Bible study is on Sunday and Wednesday evenings. We will be studying the book, “Mosaic: When God Uses All the Pieces,” on Sundays at 6:00 p.m. on Zoom (a review with Pastor Diane) and Wednesdays 6-7:30 p.m. (Brown Bag study with Pastor Natalie in Fellowship Hall). Books are $13 in the Narthex, write a check to FPC Matawan.
Don’t forget to pick up your soup in order today!
Mark your calendars for our Fish Fry Fundraiser on March 1st starting at 5:30 p.m.
Home Communion visits are available every month.
Second Sunday of Lent
Bible Text:
- The PSALM Psalm 51:1-12
- The Gospel Lesson: Matthew 11:28-30
Sermon: “Sabbath as Celebration and Delight?” Rev. Natalie Bell
Musical Leadership: Dorothy Brittain
Kids Prelude: “Jesus Loves Me” The JoyRingers, led by Jeff Stein
Choral Anthem: “We are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder” Patty Drennan — Diane Doolittle – saxophone
Offertory: “Like a River Glorious” – James Mountain; arr. Joel Raney
Postlude: “Wade in the Water” arr: Eva Cassidy — Diane Doolittle, saxophone & vocals and Scott Katora, guitar