We are a strong, diverse, caring community of faith, with
a commitment to inclusion, outreach and social justice.
Third Sunday Of Advent - Joy

Third Sunday of Advent, Traditional Service

Join our traditional Advent worship service on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. in our sanctuary. Alternatively, you can join us virtually via Facebook Live or Zoom and be a part of the service from the comfort of your own home. Experience a variety of harmonious melodies performed by the chancel choir, bell choirs, instrumentalists, and piano or organ.

Join us right after worship service in the Fellowship Hall for Fellowship Hour. All are invited to join us for light refreshments and fellowship.

Join us for our Christmas Eve Servies in the Sanctuary for a heartwarming celebration of Christ’s Birth or connect with us virtually through Zoom or Facebook. Whether you choose to be with us in person or from the comfort of your home, you’ll be a part of a cherished holiday tradition.

Need a GIFT CARD! A portion supports FPC Matawan, so order yours before Sunday, December 15th!

Food Pantry Christmas Distribution — FPC Matawan is collecting food and personal hygiene items for the Matawan Food Patnery items outside the Matawan Community Center bins by Tuesday, December 17th.

Third Sunday of Advent

Lighting of the Advent Candle: The Chacko Family

Bible Text:

Sermon: “The Promise of Restoration” Pastor Natalie Bell

Musical Leadership: Dorothy Brittain

Kids Prelude: Away in a Manger, The Joyful Noise, led by Sue Riley

Choral Anthem: “Our Hope is in Emmanuel” – Victor C. Johnson | Diane Doolittle -flute

Offertory:  “Sleepers, Wake!” – J.S. Bach | Diane Doolittle -flute

Postlude: “Emmanuel Has Come- Mark Hayes

Music by permission: Onelicense #M-401389; CCLI #3071145