Join us for our Easter contemporary worship service on Sunday, March 31st, in the Sanctuary from 9:00 to 9:45 a.m. The service will have a warm, informal setting, with musical leadership by our praise band teams. You can attend the service in person or join us virtually via Facebook Live from the comfort of your own home.
“Our traditional Easter worship service will be held in the sanctuary at 10:30 AM.”
Easter Contemporary Service
Bible Text: John 20:1-18
Sermon: “Resurrection: Using all the Pieces”, Pastor Natalie Bell
Musical Group: Stacy DeChrispher, Randy & Diane Kovac, Mickey Maguire, Laura Shapiro, Ashley & Jeremy Szoc
Opening Song: Christ is risen today (he is not dead) by NCC Worship
Second Song: Only King Forever by Elevation Worship
Closing Song: I Saw the Light by Hank Williams